Friday, April 5, 2024

Alarm Systems - Are They Safe?

If there is one thing in this world, one benefit of modern life you tell yourself, its the reliable sentry always looking out for your and your loved ones' wellbeing, the sentinel at the ramparts, it is the good old alarm system. Upon noticing the little lights twinkling away in the corner of a room it is often with a feeling of satisfaction and reassurance that one is doing all that can be reasonably expected to safeguard ones home and every thing of value in it. You dutifully always set the alarm when you go out, it rarely gives a false positive and it protects you from fire, intruders and villains of all descriptions. Oh, and may be a condition of your or your landlord's insurance policy.

But is it safe? "Oh Yes," you say. "We always put it on when we go out."

Technical: There are three main components in most wired domestic alarm systems:

1, The Systems Board, 2, The Control Panel / Keypad and 3, the various Sensors (fire, smoke, CO2, glass, intruder, flood etc.) Some systems are linked by phone line or mobile SIM Card to a 'Central Office' staffed 24/7 by responders who take action according to the instructions associated with the address. Other systems merely activate a sounder(s) and strobe(s) but some when tripped do both. Some are linked to a pendant worn around the neck.

1.    The Systems Board is mains powered through a sealed 12v battery and delivers Direct Current to the sensors which are themselves stand-alone mini-computers. In the normal course of events the whole alarm system is controlled by a remote keypad, usually situated somewhere near the main entrance. Operation is simple, reliable and robust. The Systems Board is usually tucked away in a cabinet somewhere inconspicuous such as under the stairs or in the eaves and is rarely given a second thought. Its circuits however may produce significant oscillating magnetic fields over a range of metre or more. If for example it happens to be the other side of a partition to a child's bed or desk, a favourite / TV chair or near a pets sleeping place, serious damage to health can occur over time.

2.    The Control Panel / Keypad: Should a circuit be broken for any reason, the alarm is set off. The panel then indicates which sensor or zone of sensors has been triggered. The Panel like the Systems Board may, perhaps due to conversions or modifications to the use of space, be mounted inappropriately close to areas where people or pets spend a lot of time.

3.    The Sensors: The range of alarm sensor types is vast and varies from such things as panic buttons, under-mat pressure pads, ultrasound glass breakage sensors, radioactive and optical smoke sensors and many others. Motion sensors are usually contained within the familiar little white enclosures typically mounted in top corners of rooms, passageways, garages etc. Their internal construction generally falls into three types (PIR, Dual-Tech, Tri-Tech) and all three types work by breaking the circuit back to the Systems Board when the type of event they are designed to detect occurs.

PIR - Passive Infra Red: These are an early type of motion sensor that picks up moving heat signatures through a little frosted window and whilst being cheap and readily available are subject to poor event discrimination and in the past at least, frequently produced false alarms. They are however the most environmentally friendly.

Dual Tech: To overcome false alarms Ultrasound was added. It fills the room space with 'silent' standing waves and listens for the Doppler frequency shift caused by any moving object. Some sensors only produce this form of radiation when the PIR has been triggered but others may produce it 24/7. Being constantly bathed in ultrasound even if only when you move is liable to affect hearing, produce tinnitus, upset sleep and may have many other side-effects not immediately associated with alarm systems.

Tri-Tech: To make motion / intruder alarm sensors even more reliable and even less prone to false alarms, Microwave Radiation capabilities have been added. These detect Doppler shift in a similar way to Ultrasound and like Dual-Tech sensors may invoke the Tri-Tech 10 GHz. microwave signal only when the other two sensors agree that an alarm event is occurring. Or they may fill the space 24/7 but, as with Ultrasound the health consequences can be broad-ranging and are rarely linked to alarm sensors. The power output of the microwave component generally has three levels according to the volume of the space being protected. Low, Medium or High and is set by the installation engineer (who must disable the Systems Board when setting up the sensors in order not to be blasted in the face by the microwave and ultrasound signals as the sensor cover is replaced).

Most homeowners do not understand that deactivating their alarm system when they return home simply tells the system not to raise an alarm when sensors are triggered. It does not cease the sensor operation. They continue to operate 24/7. This mode of operating is chosen because it makes the sensors more reliable and stops them suffering condensation and corrosion when unpowered. It does however subject occupants to a never-ending stream of radiation as they move about in their living space. Being hit by a bolt of ultrasound, swiftly followed by a bolt of microwave radiation upon entering a room may alert residents to an issue. By leaving the sensors running 24/7 there is less likelihood that any association will be made. This article focusses on domestic alarm systems but many of the concerns expressed here apply equally to nursing / care homes, offices, factories and other alarm-protected enclosed spaces.

Motion sensors may be fitted with visible indicator lights (red, green, orange, blue) that are tripped by movement and generally indicate the sensor is detecting and discriminating as it should. A blue indicator light may suggest a microwave / Tri-Tech sensor and if this is the case, it is probably a job for the professionals. Ultrasound can be detected by a relatively cheap 'Bat Detector' but the 10 GHz. radio frequency (RF / microwave) radiation is above the range most readily available / affordable meters can detect. To establish what kind of sensors you have see 1. the installers notes / invoice, 2, by calling the alarm service provider or 3, by having an alarm engineer come and deactivate the Systems Board so as to physically examine the motion sensors.

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Friday, April 3, 2020

Relationships Confined At Home

The current lock-down may be putting strain on household and work relationships, particularly where only one person is EHS. See my earlier post:
Everyone is naturally nervous and destabilised in these unprecedented times and this can manifest as increased strife and tension within the home. Ways of being in the same space together that may have been satisfactory in the past can become unbearably strained. People are creatures of habit, especially in their own homes. Familiar words or actions that may have only prompted mild conflict in the past, in close confinement can escalate out of all proportion. The corona virus has obliged us all to find new ways of living and new ways of being with others.
As a project manager trained in NLP I have learnt that failing projects usually suffer fundamentally from conflicts in relationships. That is perhaps unsurprising given that as projects fail, trust is destroyed through deceits, lies, betrayals, broken promises and a whole host of other human failings. Unless this web is untangled, recovery is unlikely. Initially the situation may seem overly complex but when communications are considered it can often be effectively addressed.

The Importance of Good Communications: Unless communications and actions (which we know speak louder than words) are ‘clean’ and unambiguous, trust and consequently relationships suffer. Unfortunately, ways of being with others fall into patterns and sometimes those habits can be destructive. If you want to change behaviour it is a lot easier if the environment is simultaneously changed. Confined in one’s home that may not seem easily achievable but unless physical changes are made, old habits are liable to persist even if not immediately identifiable as such. To create a changed relationship, only one party has to be committed to change. Naturally the other party will be upset, destabilised and wonder what is going on. That’s why good communications are vitally important. They can be supported by non-verbal action such as a change of dress, different meals or times of doing things. Actions however do need to be consistent if they are  to reinforce the commitment to change made by at least one party. There will almost inevitably be push-back as the other party seeks to maintain the familiar though unsatisfactory status quo. Of course the other party may be perfectly happy with the way things are and refuse to negotiate. Absenting themselves from the negotiating table is a common strategy but displays a lack of respect and a lack of commitment. The fact that one party has taken the courage by the unprecedented step of ‘putting it on the line’ is sufficient reason for the other party to attend if they are not to be seen as petty and vindictive. To negotiate a binding agreement one needs clear and unambiguous language as well as an acknowledgement that both parties are in negotiation for personal and mutual benefit. I-Win-You-Lose is a poor agreement and is destined to fan the flames of on-going disagreement. I-Win-You-Win is much more likely to endure. People will generally live up to their word if it has been given willingly and as a result of a negotiated agreement. Sitting down to work through issues takes uninterrupted time. The act of having to physically walk away may allow the dialogue to continue long enough to reach a solution or an acceptable compromise. Unless all aspects of the agreement are clearly understood and committed to by both parties, the relationship is liable to become even worse than it was before. Sharing a home or place of work there are a hundred opportunities each day for misunderstandings to occur. Grievances left unexpressed tend to fester and reactions manifest in sometimes unpredictable and unexpected ways.
When I talk about 'clean communications' I mean words and actions that have little or none of the following:
Justification, judgmentalism, blame, jealousy, resentment, vindictiveness, unkindness, covertness, covetousness or meanness.
Explanation is not justification. Stating a position is not judgmentalism. Who amongst us is blameless? Jealousy will rot the soul. Resentment is corrosive. Vindictiveness or covertly ‘getting even’ have no place in adult relationships. Unkindness, if deliberate, is a choice. If it is unintentional the offended party must have the courage to expose it and give the perpetrator the chance to apologise or otherwise put it right. Otherwise, like other ‘insults’, it is liable to become internalised, fester and breed resentment. Would you risk a relationship, albeit a bad and unsatisfactory one through lack of courage or desire for something better? That is up to you, but recognise it is a choice.
People do not typically welcome change and however bad the status quo might be, at least it is a known. Whatever small or large changes are made, the mind receives the signal that change is in the wind. Changes can be small; sleeping on the other side of the bed, not squeezing the toothpaste in the middle (though I guess we should all have our own tube now), or merely putting it away after use may be sufficient to signal that change is afoot. Rearranging the furniture, changing the flowers, getting a new hairstyle, wearing different clothes, cooking different meals or altering the time of regular occurrences are all signals that can be registered by the conscious and subconscious and pre-alert people that their environment is changing and that they too may need to change. More significant changes need to be coordinated and follow some plan if they are to be effective at catalyzing adjustments in behaviour.
Any agreement has to be negotiated if it is not to be interpreted as an imposition and thus resented and unlikely to be upheld. Habits may reassert their grip on behaviour if individuals themselves are not committed and don’t trust in the other’s equal commitment and respect. When commitment is not firm or faltering, people will continue to interpret words and actions in terms of the old paradigm.

The Golden Rule: Don’t let the sun set on a disagreement or misunderstanding. If you have to stay up all night to reach resolution or an acceptable compromise it is time well spent. That said, sometimes sleeping on an issue may produce unexpected and better ways forward. In any relationship between two people there will be three parties; Person A, Person B and the Relationship. If Person A and Person B are more committed to the relationship than they are even to themselves, inevitable disagreements and misunderstands can be resolved through good communication.
Change takes commitment - your commitment. You must still remain resolute because you may only get one chance to invoke a life-changing shift in an unsatisfactory relationship. If the cracks in a relationship need lino rather than wallpaper to cover them up, it’s time to work towards something better. To drive home the message that the relationship is going through a shift the existing relationship must be terminated and be replaced by a new and improved one, one more satisfactory for both parties.
Gradual shifts are liable to result in back-sliding as old habits re-exert themselves so something unequivocal is needed. Some sort of ceremony may be helpful in laying the old relationship to rest and signalling the birth of a new one. Simply bringing someone a friendly cup of coffee or a box of chocolates may be as much ‘ceremony’ as is necessary. The nature of ‘a ceremony’  in any particular circumstance will vary but its aim is a clear shared sense of ‘a before’ and ‘an after’- in short, a new beginning.

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Dr Dan Interview A

Roger H Moller BSc.Ind.Eng. - Principal Investigator at and himself EHS talks to Dr Dan Harper in San Diego CA about electrosmog and its impact on the body.

Printers For The EHS - A Wireless Warning

Many modern computer printers now come with wireless capability. Some thankfully still also have USB wired connections, but not all do.

Wireless capability may be controlled by, and indicated on, the front panel. What is generally not appreciated is that some, when their wired connection is lost, automatically poll for a wireless connection. It is unlikely that this fact will be apparent from any sales material or published specification.

Wireless polling may happen when the computer to which the printer is connected goes to sleep or when an all-in-one printer is used as a standalone copier. The device’s polling for a wireless connection may not  be accompanied by any indication that it is happening.

Thus anyone the least bit concerned about their EMR exposure is well-advised to check with an RF Meter, such as the excellent EMFields Acousticom2, to ensure they are not inadvertently being exposed to needless wireless radiation.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Developers & Builders

What are you thinking - constructing new homes under high voltage power lines is okay?

Scenario: You are smarter than the average developer/builder and have found a spare plot of land or one ripe for redevelopment and think you are well placed to turn a profit. There is only one 'fly in the ointment'; it is under or close to overhead high voltage power lines or a substation. Could exposure to electromagnetic radiation (EMR) be an issue?

You have looked into the legal situation and established there are NO UK laws or guidelines whatsoever preventing you from going ahead. Naturally you try to sell off-plan as much as possible and you will have fulfilled your 'affordable housing quota' with the less attractive plots. Even so, some properties fail to sell. Encouraged by interest and sales already made, you complete the development as new homeowners move in. With luck you will be able to sell the remaining properties and still make a profit even if you have to reduce some prices. If prices of slow-to-sell properties are reduced too far however, prospective buyers may ask 'Why?'  New homeowners within the development may conclude that they paid too much and the value of their property might not be what they had hoped.

In the real world of 2019, public awareness concerning the adverse health dangers associated with high voltage power lines is growing, as rightly it should and people are voting with their feet. Nobody wants to invest in a property that is intrinsically unsafe and for which they may have difficulty attracting buyers when, sooner or later, it comes time to sell. 

The acceptance of risk and the consequences of a decision to buy or not is one that prospective purchasers and their families will have to live with. As the developer, you will likely move on to other projects safeguarded by the officially maintained status quo and inadequate advice from The W.H.O. - World Health Organisation and Public Health England - P.H.E.

People are increasingly rejecting the hollow reassurances of sellers and estate agents; 'Pylons? - They’re not an issue. The Government has given them the all-clear.' Even cleverly framed 'artists impressions’ or photographs may be insufficient ‘guarantees’ when a simple drive-by provides enough due diligence for buyers to look elsewhere.

In the present uncertain climate The Precautionary Principle remains sound and savvy buyers are increasingly unwilling to accept the risk. Caveat Emptor - Buyer Beware remains as true today as it ever was.

Developers and builders may benefit from an early investigation before investing time and money in potentially compromised properties or land. Likewise, where EMR might be an issue, Purchasers can save expense and heartache by engaging a qualified EMR surveyor early in the buying process.

Knowledge Is Power: 

Emerging understanding informs the future.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019


One of the most distressing and downright dangerous aspects of man-made electromagnetic radiation is its ability to upset the beating of the heart. When the heart's electrical rhythm is disrupted atrial fibrillation or tachycardia can result and the heart's ability to pump blood in a co-ordinated fashion is lost. 

Such a disorganised and chaotic state may spontaneously correct itself however if the heart is unable to restore its muscular synchronisation within a few minutes, minimal blood flow will starve not only the brain but the heart as well. 

Unless order is swiftly restored, the person dies.

Defibrillators are made to stop the heart – dead, using a single powerful electric shock. The expectation is that once the heart's ineffectual tremblings are stopped, its two internal pacemakers (SA & AV nodes) will spontaneously restore proper synchronised function and normal blood flow will resume. 

Sadly that is not always the case.

The heart (and the brain) are controlled by very small signals making both susceptible to even low-level pulsed electromagnetic radiation. Rather than address the effects of electro-pollution and particularly the rise in atrial fibrillation and tachycardia, a technological fix that can be sold to communities across the world is now being rolled-out.

As our world becomes more saturated with always-on, pulsed digital, microwave radiation from Tetra / 2G / 3G / 4G-ESN / 5G masts, the Internet of Things (IoT) and the thousands of transmitting low earth satellites presently being deployed, quick access to a defibrillator may become crucial to survival.

In the meantime, routinely minimising cumulative in-home/at-work/in-car electromagnetic exposure may lessen the chance of such life-threatening traumas happening to you or your loved ones.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Invisible Assailant - A Tracker

Last summer my young nephew visited by train and stayed overnight. Questioning him on arrival, “Yes” he’d turned off his smart-phone and his tablet computer as well as his e-reader and  Bluetooth® headphones and left his Fit-Bit® at home. He assured me he had nothing else wireless.
I checked with my EMFields Acousticom2 just to be sure and everything was quiet. We had dinner together and talked until late. He went to bed in the guest room and I turned off the mains, as I routinely do. Imagine then my surprise at about 6am the following morning soundly asleep in the room next door, when I was suddenly and brutally yanked wide awake by repeated slams to my head. I could not endure the beating and had to immediately get up and flee. I checked with my Acousticom2 and sure enough, there was what I deduced was a Bluetooth® transmitting device somewhere in the house. From downstairs it was clear the signal was coming from his room. I went for a walk to get out of range, reluctant to wake my nephew after his long journey and upon my return a couple of hours later I questioned him, quite vigorously. 

“No”, he assured me, he “really did not have anything else that could be transmitting.”

A moment later he said,“Ah....It could be the Chipolo®.”

What the hell is a Chipolo®?” I said, unimpressed. 

Dad gave it to me because I kept losing my keys.” he said. “Its a tracker.” 

He ferreted in his bag and produced a little black disc attached to his keys. My meter confirmed it was indeed the offending source of the sudden attack that had catapulted me from my bed. 

A Chipolo® is sealed-for-life, a little larger than a 50 pence piece and costs around £20. A quick on-line search revealed it also comes in a credit-card sized equivalent. Battery life is advertised as a year. Unable to turn it off, we removed the little bugger, wrapped it in aluminium foil in a vain attempt to isolate it and resorted to placing it in the shed far away from the house. 

Electro hyper sensitives (EHS) are often affected more severely when they are inactive i.e. when stationary/sleeping so how had I been fine all evening and able to sleep soundly through the night?

It appears, to save battery life, the device hibernates when it gets no response. At around 6am each day, forestry lorries start to come past the house. I can only conclude that a smart-phone in one of the passing cabs, constantly sniffing for any Bluetooth® device, had woken the Chipolo® and me, up. By co-opting other people’s Bluetooth® devices, the short-range Chipolo® transmitter can hop, skip and jump via Wi-Fi and the Internet to anywhere in the world. Low-powered Bluetooth® tracking devices can thus be located even when their paired device is out of range.

How on earth
is an EHS sufferer to counter similar silent and insidious attacks from now common personal wireless devices that are typically hidden from view?

How is anyone else supposed to believe the poor unfortunate (and oft ridiculed) EHS sufferer when such occurrences are so far beyond public awareness?

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Struggling With Weight Control?

 or, how wireless keeps you fat!   

At first sight, there may not appear to be any connection between weight and wireless but the latest scientific research strongly suggests ways in which these two apparently unrelated factors can conspire against your best intentions. If you want to understand why dieting and losing weight are so hard - read on…

Modern life now contains a wide array of new chemical toxins that our bodies have to find a way to neutralise if they are to remain healthy. From fire-retardants in electronics and furniture to pesticide residues in foods, our remarkable immune systems have to deal with them all. If they cannot get rid of these poisons, our bodies have to sequester them (store them away for later) in hopes of processing them when the body is better equipped. Be it chemical overload, an infection or even just exhaustion, until a change of circumstance occurs within the body it must park toxic substances somewhere and in most cases it deposits them in water (lymph) and fat. The cells that make up your body demand that you maintain an internal environment that suits them within very tight limits (homeostasis). If toxin levels rise too high, one strategy the body has at its disposal is to simply make the body bigger, thus reducing the toxin level per kilo. Retaining water dilutes water-soluble toxins but lipotrophic toxins (non-water soluble) must be stored in fat, connective tissue and muscles. The brain is 75% fat. Microwave radiation makes its Blood-Brain-Barrier (BBB) more porous, allowing toxins, such as lead and mercury to lodge there more easily. Obesity is caused by water retention, for which salt is implicated as well as chlorine in drinking, cooking and showering water. Chorine cannot be a good thing as it is more reactive than iodine, a shortage of which leads to thyroid problems.

One of the reasons digital wireless telecommunications technology is so robust,  reliable and popular is because all the receiving equipment has to do is distinguish between transmitted zeros and ones. The bigger the 'ones', the more reliable the communications. The higher the frequency, the faster data can be transferred. Average signal power levels (the main aspect people refer to) are biologically important but it is the peak power levels (of fractions of a second duration) that the cells of the body are tuned to receive. When the body's cells get hit by microwave pulses at the sorts of very low levels they normally operate at and of the right sort of frequency and duration, they start behaving abnormally and react as if they are under attack by closing the ion channels in their semi-permeable membranes. The cells react by producing measurable levels of heat-shock proteins whose job is to refold damaged DNA. The mitochondrial powerhouses inside each cell keep producing energy, manufacturing all the various chemicals, hormones and proteins the body needs. Not only can these essential products not get out but nutrients cannot get in. What's more, the waste by-products of cellular metabolism cannot get out. The result - the cells' internal environment becomes polluted and they are less able to do what they are supposed to do, one aspect of which is to detoxify the numerous chemical pollutants we encounter every day!

Cells normally 'aspirate' around 3 times a minute. That is to say they expel their metabolic products and waste materials and take in nutrients and signalling hormones. They can withstand a suspension of this process for only a limited time without suffering disruption, damage, permanent loss of efficiency or death.  If wireless exposure is chronic and cells remain too long in reactive 'lock-down' mode with their membranes closed tight, they die which releases further toxic waste products the body must deal with.

When a person tries to lose weight, the toxins previously locked up in water, fat, muscle, organs and connective tissue are released and have to be processed. Unless the circumstances that lead to their sequestration have changed (e.g. during sleep when the body attempts to detoxify itself from the ravages of the waking day) their release only makes matters worse. The solution the body is apt to call for is - more water and more food! Hunger is your body's message that it needs more nutrients. If your diet does not provide what it needs your body may well accept pizza, chips, beer, bread and sausages just to get something it can work with. No wonder dieting is such an up-hill struggle, one which often results in even more cravings.
Though it may sound obvious, the body's need for nutrition will only be satisfied in the long-term when it needs less food!
'Nutrition' and 'food' mean different things. Nutrition as referred to here includes all the vitamins, minerals, water, amino acids carbohydrates, fats and calories the body needs. Simply giving it supplements may not address the fundamental issue of the cells and the body as a whole having difficulty detoxifying itself. Central to cells' efficiency is their ability to aspirate properly and this is compromised by exposure to electromagnetic radiation as outlined above. Always-on EMR sources prevent the body's cells from operating properly and it is the cells which detoxify the body that we are most concerned with here.

Digestion - if your gut flora is incapable of extracting the nutrients your cells need from the foods you are giving it, the body's response is to demand more food - and almost anything will do no matter how bad we know it is for us. Not only does our diet need to be balanced but our insides need to efficiently extract and process what goes into our mouths if our bodies are to remain healthy and energised.

Intestinal Parasites - long overlooked in sophisticated Britain are not, as they say, 'everyone's cup of tea.' Undiagnosed however, they may be robbing your body of what it needs from the supply available in a limited diet. Supplements will only make the parasites stronger unless they are eliminated before supplementation commences. Parasite by-products and die-off may also play a part in the toxic rollercoaster that many dieters experience.

What Can You Do? Between cells trying to get their needs met and parasites stealing nutrients and producing toxic waste products, it should come as no surprise that what we eat is highly influenced by their needs. Both our cells and the parasites they compete with release chemicals (hormones) that drive our behaviour. So instead of beating yourself up for that second slice of pizza or chocolate cookie, perhaps you would be more in control if you examined your external and internal environments.


Wheat - modern wheat is markedly different genetically from the wheat eaten by our forebears. You might consider a wheat-free diet to combat inflammation but as many foods now contain it, it may take some diligence and label reading to successfully eliminate it from your lifestyle.

Milk - homogenised milk makes the butterfat molecules small enough to transit the gut before they get digested. What is often perceived as lactose intolerance may simply be the body’s immune response to undigested fat globules that make it into the lymph and blood.

Conclusions - everyone's situation, inclination and motivation are likely to be different but if you struggle with maintaining a comfortable weight, perhaps these aspects of your 'environment' may benefit from your attention and further consideration:
  • Electromagnetic Radiation - EMR, aka. Electrosmog - Lifestyle Reduction.
  • Detoxify through exercise and saunas but stay away from the high levels of EMR coming from sauna heating elements.
  • Environmental toxins - Elimination, especially in the home.
  • Modify diet with a wider variety of foods and eliminate artificial additives, convenience foods, wheat, sugar and salt.
  • Remove Intestinal Parasites before supplementation.
  • Take effective control of your weight and be happy!


How Can I Convince My Husband...

I often get callers to the Electric Forester EMR Advice Line (01591 610167) who say desperate things like “How can I convince my husband* the wireless devices in our home are making my life a misery?” It’s a variation on the theme “How can I get my partner to stop polluting my living space with his cigarette smoke?” and the fundamental issue is just the same.

New information is the place to start. When people gain new knowledge they did not have before, it opens up the opportunity for them to change their attitude without losing face. Change the environment and it becomes easier to change behaviour.

There is masses of information now available on-line about the dangers of man-made electromagnetic radiation but some of it is heavily spun by vested interests and you may have to read between the lines to discern the truth. For every argument there is a counter-argument. Where to start? What is beyond dispute is your first-hand experience of what is going on inside your own body. But is man-made EMR the cause? Investigation and experimentation may provide the answer. Sometimes this is as simple as feeling better after a few days away from home.

Some good places to start understanding other people’s challenges are: - this blog

A comprehensive EMR survey may provide insights into EMR exposure and a post-survey consultation and custom-written property-specific report may be sufficient to convince your partner of the need for, and virtue of, a Precautionary Approach to man-made EMR in line with Government recommendations. - Professional domestic and commercial EMR Surveys - since 2006.

In extreme cases, protective clothing may be beneficial and EMR shielding could be necessary, particularly in bedrooms where the body spends much time repairing the damage of the waking day.

If new information, professional advice and protection measures do not achieve the desired results, you could  brush up on your assertiveness skills and learn the art of effective negotiation. Your health and well-being, and that of your children and pets if you have any, are at stake. You could of course try appealing to your partner’s better nature and self-interests if you’ve not tried that tack before. You may even consider resorting to bribery or blackmail but that may not get you what you ultimately want, and this is the key - Respect.  It seems people in general, and men in particular, cannot imagine any harm coming from their favourite toys and sometimes neighbours too can feel threatened and be unwilling to understand or be willing to accommodate other’s needs.  You may find the word ‘respect’ unusual in a blog post about EHS but it is central to getting an outcome that will endure. Respect is one of life’s double-edged-swords - if you demand it you have to be willing to give it. If none of the above is getting you anywhere, you might consider taking unilateral action - after all, it’s your home too. Serious situations justify firm and resolute action.

1. Buy a new corded speakerphone and throw the DECT Cordless away (don’t inflict its toxic always-on emissions on anyone else by giving it away or selling it). Have a wired telephone extension socket installed first if necessary.

2. If your neighbours’ cordless phones are adding to your EMR burden, consider paying for an extension-socket to be installed in their home and buy them a corded phone (provided they agree to ditch the DECT). If their DECT base station includes and answer phone, they may be able to get Callminder® or a similar answering service for free.

3. Keep your mobile/tablet/laptop/computer/e-reader/xBox/Wii etc. in Flight Mode (Airplane Mode) when not connected to the Internet. Better still, replace all wireless LAN/network connections with wired alternatives.

4. Turn off routers when not in use and especially at night. Use a time switch if necessary connected to a power strip so that all computer related devices go off at night. You might also buy a time clock and power strip for your neighbours' computer setup.

5. If you’re still not getting anywhere, move out, albeit temporarily. Actions speak louder than words. Go and stay with a friend. A single night away may be all it takes to make your point and for your partner to come to their senses. (They may not appreciate what they’ve got till it’s gone). You may be able to achieve leverage by making your return conditional but you don’t want to end up homeless. If your health and well-being are important to you (and hopefully also to your partner) then resolute action is called for.

If you are successful in significantly reducing your EMR exposure, you may be pleasantly surprised to find that both you and your partner’s lives become easier as sleep and relationships improve.

Note: Three times more women are affected by ES/EHS than men. It is perhaps unsurprising that many men have difficulty appreciating the scope and impact of environmental intolerance to man-made EMR on their partner’s lives. The number of children adversely affected is presently unknown. They have no effective voice or control over their environment, dependant as they are on the knowledge, wisdom and lifestyle choices of their parents or guardians.

*Husband, wife, partner, parents, children, neighbours, boss, fellow residents …


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Christmas - A Special Peril For The EHS #2_1

The excitement of Christmas, with its prospect of wonderful new electronic gadgets, holds very real fears for those already struggling to cope with current levels of  Electrosmog (Wireless / Electromagnetic Radiation).
Family members and neighbours may delight in their new wireless devices but their joy may be offset by those around them who are already struggling to cope with today’s elevated levels of EMR millions of times higher than have ever been.

Over the festive season each year wireless levels ramp up another notch in an ever increasing trend. A whole new wave of mobile / wireless devices is unleashed upon the world at Christmastime and eagerly awaited by an unsuspecting and poorly informed public.
A cordless phone for Grandma, a mobile phone for little Wayne, a tablet computer for Claire, an xBox, Wii or DS for Chet, a new wireless laptop for mum, a new smart phone for dad and wireless printer, wireless surround-sound and a giant screen smart-TV for the whole family to share…
As each home becomes ever more a wireless hot-spot, what of the people inside or nearby who cannot tolerate the invisible electro-pollution pumped out?
The way things stand, it is just too bad. Anyone destroyed by EMR has no legal recourse and nowhere to go. So in this season of ‘Goodwill to all men’ ask yourself whether your freedom to enjoy your new wireless toy comes at someone else’s expense?

In case you are amongst the band of EMR sceptics, the answer is, it almost certainly does but you are unlikely to notice. All the land has been invaded and the EMF Refugees are in retreat. They have been forced to leave their lives and homes, jobs and families behind and salvage whatever they can as their world  turns toxic.
During the holiday season you may be blasted by more wireless devices than you can even dream of. Returning to work, school or college in the New Year, some people will be forced to live with a new or uprated wireless system, quietly installed during the shutdown. If this applies to you and proves too much for your body to take, to whom would you turn?  Perhaps it is not ‘wireless’ per se but the smart-meters which are being rolled out everywhere that will cause your tolerance to be exceeded. 

It all adds up, it is all cumulative exposure. Should you be concerned? Be careful what you wish for this Christmas. It might have a sting in its tail. Perhaps you’ll get away with it. Perhaps you won’t.
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to your early-adopter friends. Perhaps one day they'll thank you for the warning.