Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Christmas - A Special Peril For The EHS #2_1

The excitement of Christmas, with its prospect of wonderful new electronic gadgets, holds very real fears for those already struggling to cope with current levels of  Electrosmog (Wireless / Electromagnetic Radiation).
Family members and neighbours may delight in their new wireless devices but their joy may be offset by those around them who are already struggling to cope with today’s elevated levels of EMR millions of times higher than have ever been.

Over the festive season each year wireless levels ramp up another notch in an ever increasing trend. A whole new wave of mobile / wireless devices is unleashed upon the world at Christmastime and eagerly awaited by an unsuspecting and poorly informed public.
A cordless phone for Grandma, a mobile phone for little Wayne, a tablet computer for Claire, an xBox, Wii or DS for Chet, a new wireless laptop for mum, a new smart phone for dad and wireless printer, wireless surround-sound and a giant screen smart-TV for the whole family to share…
As each home becomes ever more a wireless hot-spot, what of the people inside or nearby who cannot tolerate the invisible electro-pollution pumped out?
The way things stand, it is just too bad. Anyone destroyed by EMR has no legal recourse and nowhere to go. So in this season of ‘Goodwill to all men’ ask yourself whether your freedom to enjoy your new wireless toy comes at someone else’s expense?

In case you are amongst the band of EMR sceptics, the answer is, it almost certainly does but you are unlikely to notice. All the land has been invaded and the EMF Refugees are in retreat. They have been forced to leave their lives and homes, jobs and families behind and salvage whatever they can as their world  turns toxic.
During the holiday season you may be blasted by more wireless devices than you can even dream of. Returning to work, school or college in the New Year, some people will be forced to live with a new or uprated wireless system, quietly installed during the shutdown. If this applies to you and proves too much for your body to take, to whom would you turn?  Perhaps it is not ‘wireless’ per se but the smart-meters which are being rolled out everywhere that will cause your tolerance to be exceeded. 

It all adds up, it is all cumulative exposure. Should you be concerned? Be careful what you wish for this Christmas. It might have a sting in its tail. Perhaps you’ll get away with it. Perhaps you won’t.
Copy the QR link code
to your early-adopter friends. Perhaps one day they'll thank you for the warning.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Disabling Wireless (on Windows Computers)

When computers and peripherals are switched on, installed wireless network adaptors typically start searching for suitable signals within 60 seconds. They tend to search for networks anytime power is supplied to them, even if they have been disabled in Software.  

To temporarily disable wireless capability via software, computers may make use of a Function (Fn) key, usually blue, and the F2 Function button. Multiple presses of F2 (or whichever key has the wireless icon on it) while pressing the Function (Fn) key will typically step through the wireless options: Wireless LAN, WLAN & Bluetooth, Bluetooth, All Wireless Off.  

Turning All Wireless Off should be done routinely when wireless is not required to reduce exposure of those nearby to microwave (RF) electrosmog and to save battery life. To minimise exposure further, computers should have their wireless adaptor(s) permanently removed or have their wireless adapters also disabled in ‘Hardware’. The latter typically involves disabling the device driver via Control Panel. 

Disabling Wireless in Hardware:
(Windows XP. Similar in Windows 7)

Left Click Start
Control Panel
Device Manager
Network adaptors - select wireless adaptor (802.11b/g/n Bluetooth)
Right Click Disable
Left Click to Accept

BT Home Hubs (V2.0) and others that incorporate a Cordless (DECT) Phone Base Station may not allow the cordless transmitter to be turned off. Upon representation, BT may be willing to substitute a v3.0 which does support this feature if, for example a v2.0 ‘no longer works’ or if the user states that they cannot tolerate it due to ‘Electro-Sensitivity’. BT FON routers as supplied now default to opt-in so straight out of the box your home will become a wireless hot-spot.

To minimise wireless exposure to everyone in the vicinity (typically a 300 metre radius) LAN 10/100 network cables should be used instead. Local Area Network (LAN) cables enable Internet connections to be shared between computers and other LAN enabled devices using simple inexpensive plugged-in Ethernet Mini-Hubs or Switches. They are typically a faster and more secure way of interconnecting computers and accessing the Internet.

Similarly, peripherals such as printers may also be wirelessly enabled and should be hard wired (via a USB port) and their wireless capabilities disabled. Check Operating Manuals for how that can be achieved as many now default to wireless or are programmed to require wireless to be enabled to access some features and upgrades.
