Book Review - Motorcycle Cancer by Randall Dale Chipkar
If your loved one rides a motorcycle, buy them this book!
From the very first word, I liked this book. I liked its title and I liked its style. Randall is clearly a pioneer and willing to go against the flow of conventional thinking in search of the real truth. I like this book because it is saying what has to be said. Not from a higher-than-thou standpoint but from a we-all-love-motorcycling-and-we-want-to-live-long-and-go-on-enjoying-it point of view.
Motorcycles today are far more involved than the ones we grew up with or that our forebears rode. I know as an EHS sufferer and a lifelong motorcyclist that the basic premise of this book is sound. Would you keep doing something you loved even if you knew it was slowly killing you? I guess that all depends. Ask a smoker or anyone still foolish enough to hold a cellphone to their head and they'll probably say they'd rather not know. It does not have to be that way. Would you like the choice or would you rather risk sickness and even death before your time simply through your own ignorance?
We all know motorcycles can be dangerous. What keeps motorcyclists alive and able to go on enjoying their passion is knowledge, experience and skill. Sometimes, when dangers are not immediately apparent, we all could use a guiding hand. This book spells it out in a very readable way, embracing just enough of the science to underscore its essential message. Draw on your own experience and use your skill to judge whether what Randall is saying holds up to scrutiny. Wider awareness of this subject is way overdue.
If you have a loved one who rides a motorcycle, buy them this book. Even if they never read it, the title alone will alert them to something which they would be well advised to consider.
Would you knowingly put an electromagnetic source between your legs for hours on end given increasing concerns about cancer, however good the riding experience?
Clearly many riders still live in ignorance and doubtless their motorcycling days will be less in number and less enjoyable than they might have been otherwise.
Motorcycling for me, remains one of life's quintessential pleasures, like smoking was in days gone by, but I've had to learn how to do without both in order to go on living this one life I have been granted here on planet Earth.
Randall's words carry an important and timely message around the world for riders and manufacturers alike. The only way the motorcycle EMRs are fundamentally going to become safer is if more riders make their concerns known at the point of sale. For the vast majority giving up is not something they ever want to have to do.
Everyday sources of EMR to which people are routinely exposed are growing exponentially. You may have gotten away with it on a single cylinder machine and you may have gotten away with it up till now, but today your body has to soak up a lot more EMR abuse from every other electrosmog source than ever before.
The choice is yours but now at least thanks to this pioneering book, yours can be an informed choice.