Sunday, June 16, 2024

Smart-Phones As Alarm Clocks - A Timely Warning

If you read no further, read this:

The first thing a smart (mobile or cell) phone does when the alarm kicks off is to search for a network connection – whether or not it is in Airplane / Flight mode!

On World EHS Day - 16th June 2024, I was watching a Youtube recording of an excellent webinar; The International Webinar on Children in the Digital Age;

It is hosted by a very credible Doug Wood of Americans For Responsible Technology.

In one quote, Mary Anne Tierney states:

Of 150 6th Graders (11-12 year olds) she was presenting to, 2/3 used their phones as their alarm clock.

I was stunned. Do they not know how reckless that is? Clearly not. Hence the motivation to write this post.

The first thing a smart (mobile or cell) phone does when the alarm kicks off is to search for a network connection – whether or not it is in Airplane / Flight mode!

The few moments before becoming truly awake are, in my experience as an EHS sufferer of nearly 30 years, the time when one is most vulnerable. It incidentally is also perhaps one’s most creative time. Be that as it may, having your head bathed in microwave radiation as you prepare to wake up fully is probably not the best way to start the day.

Maybe your phone / network doesn’t do this. How would you know? The only way to know for sure is to reset your alarm once you are fully awake and test your device as it comes alive with an RF EMR (wireless) meter such as the Acousticom2 or the Safe&Sound ProII. (By the way, I get no commission for these recommendations).

That’s it. There’s not much more to say other than it adds a whole new perspective to “WAKE UP!”

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