Monday, June 10, 2024

Wireless Roadkill

or ‘EHS – Road Kill In The Wireless Wild West’

Written for World EHS Day 16 June 2024

Millions of people around the world know that sickening feeling when they hear the crunch of some poor creature disappearing under the wheels of the vehicle in which they are travelling. It is unfortunate and regrettable but driver or passenger they usually do not feel responsible for the creature’s demise. It is generally rationalised that it is ‘the price of progress’ or maybe less charitably ‘that it was ‘the creature’s own fault’. In a little while, as the scenery goes by it is put at the back of their minds. The creature nevertheless lays dead or injured, splattered across the road, it’s life destroyed, often with the utmost disregard. Other drivers may lament the loss but can reassure themselves that ‘there but for the grace of God...’ Of course, it is difficult to reconcile creature’s freedoms with people’s. Roads have always been dangerous and ultimately society has adapted, though children and wildlife have to learn the hard way.

When it comes to road kill, I regret I am much like many other drivers. I try not to hit any creature that foolishly steps into my path but if it comes down to the creature or me, I am afraid the creature is apt to lose. The speed and momentum I have built up cannot be readily diverted. If I am to enjoy the benefits of speed I cannot go against Newton’s first law of motion and anything that gets in my way had best get out of it. With the advent of the railways and motor vehicles, society was going to have the benefits of speed at any price and woe-betide anything or anyone that got in the way. Humans have subsequently learned to live more or less safely with the train and the motor vehicle but speed and momentum are unable to negotiate and require laws and penalties to keep them in check. There are heavy penalties for killing and maiming people on the roads and elsewhere but none for road kill. Fences and by-laws are aimed at preventing trespass on the railways and The Rules of the Road, driver training and speed limits are set and enforced. Pedestrians are taught to act with caution and drivers are held liable for their actions but there are no such official constrains, sanctions, warnings or safety education in the wireless world we now inhabit.

Electro Sensitives Are Today’s Wireless Road Kill.

In trying to live our lives without wireless trespass or harm should anyone have the temerity to get in the way of ‘progress’ they are simply being ‘run over’ and swept aside without regard, regret or indeed a backward glance. Denying that EHS exists at all allows any action involving wireless by anyone to be undertaken without guilt or being held to account. For the average cellular / mobile, Wi-Fi or cordless phone user to enjoy the benefits of speedy communications, if someone or something has to suffer, most people think that’s just too bad, if they think at all. People are going to have the benefits of always-on wireless, come what may and having built a life that relies on it they are not about to have their toys taken away.

Governments around the world have abrogated their responsibilities and have handed over the territory in which we all live out our lives to the wireless companies. We live in a lawless Wireless Wild West without accountability, one that is governed by powerful global corporations and other vested interests.

There Are No Limits...

There are no limits to the power that can be radiated from a broadcast / cellular tower. There are no limits to the amount of wireless radiation that can be imposed on 90,000 people in Wembley Stadium. There are no limits on the number and power-outputs of all the wireless devices you can simultaneous use in your home. There are no limits on the number of devices your employer can demand you are exposed to in the workplace. There are no limits on the wireless exposure inflicted on doctors and patients in surgeries and hospitals. There are no limits to the number of wireless devices used in vehicles, planes, trains, ships or indeed anywhere. There is no limit to the total cumulative radiation exposure you may suffer in a day or indeed a lifetime.

Nobody is yet held liable for wireless pollution and the trespass and harm it imposes on everyone.

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